Bintang Malindo Eka Putra
Website & Mobile Developer
Some collection of my past works.
Website and mobile application for managing tourist tickets in Jember city
Mapping of crime and accidents in Jember city. This project created for competition Hackaton & Smart City Gemastik
Learning SIBI with K-Suli. Detection Hand Sign using Deep Learning.
Website Marketplace & product documentation with payment getway and dashboard admin develop by diprojectin
Website Marketplace & product documentation with payment getway and dashboard admin develop by diprojectin
Aplikasi website untuk peminjaman barang ataupun ruangan pada Fakultas Keguruan dan Keilmuan Universitas Jember.
Website and Mobile Application faculty Report Universitas Jember
Simple app notepad in Website. This project created for Submission course in
Dataset storage platform that allows users to upload, view, and download datasets in various formats.
Decision support system for selecting plants based on soil content based on a Geographic Information System using the Learning Vector Quantization method.
Point of Sale website with the addition of Gesture Recognition to be able to control just by moving your hand on the camera sensor. After making a transaction, the transaction note will be printed automatically. Has admin access rights that can add, change, delete items displayed, as well as view the entire transaction history.
The E-Health system is a health facility owned by the Jember Regency Government which has several features including online queue registration specifically for outpatient care at Puskesmas and Hospitals owned by the Jember Regency government, information on the distribution of Health Facility locations, complaint services, queue monitoring, and information.
Website and mobile based Point of Sales application for Tijara boutique in Banyuwangi.
ERP system for optics with a home service system equipped with transaction, inventory, finance, personnel and distribution modules.
Design and develop a desktop-based Mie Gandrung restaurant Point of Sale system.
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